As you can see, I managed not to make the time to write an update through the second half of this past year. Not that there wasn't anything going on. I just didn't make the time to write about it. Shame on me!
After my last post, I spent last summer directing and producing not one, not two but FOUR music videos. Here's a still from the first one, which you can watch by clicking on the picture below! CLICK IT!
Needless to say, that project took up most of my time. But it was a blast and I really love directing comedy and always wanted to delve into music videos.
Then, I found myself back on the boards at the Theater @ Boston Court understudying a challenging role in a play called Seven Spots on the Sun. I haven't understudied in ages, but I really wanted to work with this creative team. Oof. Talk about hard work! This is supposed to be a video of me in rehearsal but I think it just shows up as a photo.

I almost didn't get to perform, however, as one of the nights that I was supposed to go on, I ended up booking a job on the tv show Shameless for Showtime. Fancy pants me, got to work with William H. Macy and Kelly Le Brock, who are both lovely.

I got to work with Macy, again, a month later when we did some reshoots. Sa-weet!
And then I spent December recovering from the year! Also, made some big changes as I now have all new rep as an actor and for other areas of my creative work. Now it's on to a new year and new adventures. Much to do. Better go.